FinLab AG

05.11.2015 - Equity Research Einzelstudie // kaufen

Researchstudie (Initial Coverage) – FinLab AG - english - buy

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Unternehmen: FinLab AG
ISIN: DE0001218063
Branche: Dienstleistungen
Rating: kaufen
Kurs bei Erstellung in €: 9,48
Kursziel in €: 12,30
Mögl. Interessenskonflikt gem. §34b Abs.1 WpHG und FinAnv: 5a;5b;11

FinLab AG was created in December 2014 as a result of a name change of the former company Altira Aktiengesellschaft. After two years of repositioning, the sale of numerous subsidiaries and a change in the cost structure to adjust to new conditions, a new chapter was opened in the history of the Company.

FinLab AG is now positioned as an investment company focusing specifically on fintech start-up companies. The Company sees itself as an incubator that provides funding to promising companies that have the potential to roll out their business models across Europe. The Company attempts to acquire majority interests.

Since finalising its restructuring at the end of 2014, the Company has made three investments in the fintech area, thereby laying the foundation for building a fintech portfolio. Up to now a total of EUR 5.5 million was invested and futher EUR 1.2 million have been commited.

The Company also holds two investments in the traditional financial services area, Heliad Equity Partners GmbH & Co. KGaA and Patriarch Multi-Manager GmbH. These investments provide stable, repeated cash flows in the form of dividends, management fees and also performance fees in the case of a successful development of the portfolio. The income from the private equity financial services area is used to cover the holding expenses of the FinLab AG and to fund and expand the fintech portfolio.


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