MagForce AG

24.09.2015 - Equity Research Einzelstudie // kaufen

Research Note – MagForce AG - english - buy

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Unternehmen: MagForce AG
Branche: Biotechnologie-Pharma
Rating: kaufen
Kurs bei Erstellung in €: 5,44
Kursziel in €: 14,30
Mögl. Interessenskonflikt gem. §34b Abs.1 WpHG und FinAnv: 5a;5b;11

Business development in financial year 2014 in line with our expectations
For MagForce AG, financial year 2014 was in line with our expectations in terms of operating figures. Due to the lack of marketing revenues, a negative earnings situation, with an EBIT of €-1.28 million (previous year: €-1.58 million), prevails as forecast. The slight EBIT increase is attributable to a higher overall performance
in connection with the transfer of the service and development rights for the NanoTherm ® therapy to the US subsidiary.

Constant development of the liquidity situation
The earnings situation, which remains negative, and the corresponding negative free cash flow of €-10.32 million was offset by a capital increase, which was successfully implemented in November 2014 (issue proceeds: €10.2 million). The liquid funds therefore remained constant at €9.15 million, and the equity capital and the corresponding equity capital ratio were raised to €24.43 million and 85.1%.

Milestone reached in the development process for prostate treatment in the USA
In May 2015, MagForce AG submitted an application to the American regulatory authority FDA to conduct a clinical study on the treatment of patients with prostate cancer. This submission represents an important milestone in the American approval process. We expect to start the study at the end of 2015 and to receive
market approval by mid-2017.


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