JDC Group AG

19.09.2017 - Equity Research Report (english) // kaufen

Research Note - JDC Group AG

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Unternehmen: JDC Group AG
ISIN: DE000A0B9N37
Branche: Dienstleistungen
Rating: kaufen
Kurs bei Erstellung in €: 7,99
Kursziel in €: 11,50
Mögl. Interessenskonflikt gem. §34b Abs.1 WpHG und FinAnv: 5a;11

JDC Group AG (formerly Aragon AG) is a German financial technology business specialising in financial product consultancy and brokerage through its operational subsidiaries, coupled with new advisory technologies in the time of the digital native. Following the company’s restructuring work and the associated breakup of unprofitable subsidiaries in recent financial years, JDC Group AG has achieved its target structure. In the Advisortech field, the Group operates one of the largest independent broker pools (B2B) in Germany through its subsidiary Jung, DMS & Cie. AG, with a total of 16,000 independent financial advisers and 850,000 customers. Modern advisory and management technologies are being developed within this business area, thus combining traditional financial services with the rapidly growing FinTech area. In parallel, financial services are provided within the Advisory segment to approximately 80,000 wealthy clients (B2C) through the FINUM. brand.


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