FinTech Group AG

22.01.2016 - Equity Research Einzelstudie // kaufen

Research Comment – FinTech Group AG - english - buy

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Unternehmen: FinTech Group AG
ISIN: DE0005249601
Branche: Dienstleistungen
Rating: kaufen
Kurs bei Erstellung in €: 17,25
Kursziel in €: 26,85
Mögl. Interessenskonflikt gem. §34b Abs.1 WpHG und FinAnv: 5a;11

The FinTech Group AG has established a cooperation between the 100% subsidiary online bank flatex and ZINSPILOT. In the course of the cooperation the about 150,000 customers of flatex are now able to access overnight and fixed term deposits of a wide range of banks all across Europe out of their existing portfolio at flatex. The advantage for customers is that the overnight and fixed term deposits can be bought as easy as e.g. stocks, without having to open a further account at the savings bank. With the new offer flatex not only widens its value chain and increases usability for customers, but also flatex now claims a unique feature on the European banking market.

The advantage for the FinTech Group AG is that the liabilities side of the balance sheet will be optimised. If customers decide for an overnight or fixed term deposit of another savings bank they are able to buy those products out of their existing portfolio, however the deposits are transferred to the third party bank. Therewith at FinTech Group AG currently not usable liquidity can be used adding value. For that reason FinTech Group AG has made an important further step to use the high volume of customer deposits at the fully-licenced bank and subsidiary biw Bank AG in an efficient way and to increase income potentials.

Furthermore, already in December 2015 FinTech Group AG undertook another important step to make customer deposits usable more efficiently by conducting a capital increase with the result of m10 € of new equity capital. With the proceeds the equity basis of the biw bank AG was strengthened to make an expansion of the credit business possible. The focus of this shall be on technology-based consumer credits.


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