FinLab AG
23.11.2018 - Analyst Interview (english) // buy
Management interview - FinLab AG - english
For the original study, please click here |
ISIN: DE0001218063
Branche: Finanzen-Beteiligungen
Rating: buy
Mögl. Interessenskonflikt gem. §34b Abs.1 WpHG und FinAnv: 5a;5b;6a;11
As an investment company with a focus on fintech business models, FinLab has
built up a comprehensive and at the same time promising investment portfolio in
recent financial years. The company now has a significant stake in a total of eight
fintech companies, including Deposit Solutions, nextmarkets, and kapilendo. After
the last investment in awamo GmbH, a provider of SaaS core banking solutions,
FinLab AG made a new seven-digit investment in CASHLINK Technologies GmbH.
GBC analyst Cosmin Filker spoke with FinLab Management Board member Juan
Rodriguez about the new investment and the firm’s corporate development:
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